Gen AI
To become successful in any kind of business, all you need is accurate collection of data, easy processing, adequate analytics, which further forms the backbone of decision-making and is required for vital insights. But, the kind of volume and variety of data which is generated cannot be just handled by humans at this large- scale.
And hence, eventually the significance of artificial intelligence comes into the picture which plays a very vital role in segregating these huge datasets into useful and accurate pieces of information which makes human lives much easier.
So, what are the benefits of AI and how does it affect our day to day lives? Here’s a detailed read on the advantages of artificial intelligence in the real world.
The “old school” vulnerability management approach is simple. It uses the severity ranking of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) alone to determine what vulnerabilities represent the most risk to the organisation.
But this method of vulnerability prioritisation is no longer effective: CVSS severity does not equal actual risk. Severity depends on factors unique to your environment, including asset importance, attack paths, exposure, and exploitability.
Adding to the imperfections of this approach, a growing percentage of cyber attacks specifically target vulnerabilities rated as “medium severity” on the CVSS scale. These are lower priorities for security teams and, therefore, less likely to be addressed quickly. Yes, attackers are working smarter.
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Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is an abstraction of compute, storage, and network infrastructure assembled as a platform on which applications and systems can be deployed quickly and scaled on the fly. Crucial to cloud computing is self-service: Users can simply fill in a web form and get up and running.
The vast majority of cloud customers consume public cloud computing services over the internet, which are hosted in large, remote data centers maintained by cloud providers. The most common type of cloud computing, SaaS (software as service), delivers prebuilt applications to the browsers of customers who pay per seat or by usage, exemplified by such popular apps as Salesforce, Google Docs, or Microsoft Teams. Next in line is IaaS (infrastructure as a service), which offers vast, virtualized compute, storage, and network infrastructure upon which customers build their own applications, often with the aid of providers’ API-accessible services.
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