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Individuals in the IT field are poised to meet both the challenge and need for IT certifications because they understand the following trends – as indicated in the Pearson VUE 2021 Value of IT Certification Survey.

More than ever, the value of IT certifications cannot be understated. The rapid adoption of cloud and wireless networking technologies throughout the past year revealed the need for more nimble, skilled IT teams – and many organizations found they were lacking. Even now, as the world begins to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, it appears that remote working, learning, and connecting are here to stay, at least in part. Certification holders will therefore continue to be in demand for their skills, knowledge, and influence.

1. The demand for IT certification is growing

More than 2.6 million IT certification exams were delivered in 2020 around the globe. This represents a 16% increase over the previous year – and most of that was thanks to the candidates themselves. Survey data showed that employers were less likely to cover costs for training and certification, so candidates put in their own time, money, and effort to obtain credentials.

2. To enhance professional profiles

The second-most important motivation respondents gave was to enhance their professional profiles. More than half (56%) believed that adding IT credentials updated and strengthened the impact of their résumés.

3. IT credentialing is a lifelong pursuit

Although most candidates don’t consider IT certification until after starting their careers, the number of certifications achieved accumulates over time. The average number of certifications held by candidates under 24 years old is four, while those over 55 years old have 10 certifications. Of candidates who earned certifications in 2020, 86% plan to pursue additional certifications over the next 12 months.

4. A desire to upskill

Keeping up with advances in technology proved to be a strong motivator, as 73% of candidates pursued IT certification to obtain necessary skills and enhance their job performance. The increased reliance on technology caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created a sense of urgency for IT skills and drove an additional 30% of candidates to pursue certification. Most candidates cited the need to obtain particular skills, knowledge, or competencies as their reason for earning an IT certification. Many explained that upskilling was a priority because they needed specific skills to perform at work, or that they felt it was necessary to keep abreast of evolving technologies.

5. ROI generation for certification earners and their employers

Seven out of ten candidates met their goals for certification and would recommend certification to someone seeking to start or advance a career in IT. As a result, many attained new jobs (36%), pay raises (28%), and job promotions (21%). Their employers felt a direct and favourable impact as well, experiencing benefits such as increased quality of work, productivity, efficiency, and the employee’s ability to mentor others.

6. To advance and be promoted

Another 56% of candidates earned IT certifications to increase their chances of advancing and being promoted in their current roles by acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Join the movement

Want to be a subject matter expert? Boost efficiency? Increase your productivity and job performance? Establish professional credibility?

Then, certification is the route to follow to obtain these goals. Whether you or your team need immediate skills transfer to successfully deploy a project, earn a certification, fast-track your skills on a new technology, or need an in-depth skills transformation, MIE’s Microsoft training and certification solutions will meet your IT and company requirements. MIE will help build your tech skills through expert course instruction, exam prep workshops, and hands-on labs, assisting organizations and professionals to earn certifications.

We are confident that these are long-term trends, and that the relevance and demonstrated value of certification will grow ever stronger.